New Books For A Time of Crisis

Image: New books are addressing the physical and spiritual well-being of children in crisis.

We are so thankful for everyone who has been praying for Little Zebra Books during these last two months. In the midst of a global pandemic, the faithfulness of Little Zebra Books fans allowed our ministry to not just continue but expand. Although reading clubs were suspended throughout Mozambique, Little Zebra Books has been shifting its focus to training those who work with children. Reading volunteers from more than 50 churches were trained in not just health and hygiene but also how to share God’s love with children in the midst of crisis.

In South Africa, although our office was closed and we were working from home, we were able to ship books across the country to organizations that are working with children. One of the most exciting developments is a partnership with Beautiful Gate, an organization working with vulnerable children in Cape Town. We provided them with thousands of books in the Xhosa language to distribute to their children. And we developed two brand new books specifically for Beautiful Gate which teach health and hygiene and also a scriptural response to COVID-19. And when we needed to raise $3500 to print these books, Little Zebra supporters donated the money in less than two weeks!

All of this was possible because of the prayers and support of hundreds of passionate LZB fans. What a privilege it is to be involved in ministering to children during this crucial moment in Africa! I would like to ask you to make the ministry of Little Zebra Books an urgent matter of prayer. In the coming months, countries like South Africa and Mozambique will be severely impacted by coronavirus. Most children are not in school. Reading clubs are not meeting. Many churches remain closed. Our Little Zebra Books volunteers are transitioning from reading to large groups of children to making individual visits to children in their homes to help them with their schooling and encourage their families. We don’t know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future. And He is faithful!

Again, thank you so much for your support and prayers.

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