Donate to Little Zebra Books

Little Zebra Books are touching the lives of children in Africa. Many children in Africa never own a book in their own language. When you donate to Little Zebra Books, you help us provide beautiful full-color books to children in their own language.

Or checks can be mailed to:

Little Zebra Books
17595 Harvard Ave, Suite C235
Irvine, CA 92614, USA

Most children in Africa have never had a book in their own language. You can change that!

Your help is urgently needed at this time. Please prayerfully consider a monthly gift of any amount. The average Little Zebra Books donor gives about $60 per month. Whatever amount you are able to give will help this vital ministry to continue.

Your donation can be changed or cancelled at any time.

Would you like to make your donation in South African Rand?

Click the code above to donate via:

  • SnapScan
  • Credit card
  • Instant EFT

Or make a bank transfer to:

ABSA Branch 632005
Current Account 408 935 0226

Little Zebra Books Future Fund

We are looking to the future! You can ensure that African children in this and future generations continue to have access to beautiful books that share God’s love in their own language. Read more…

Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Name the Little Zebra Books Future Fund as a beneficiary of your estate.
  • Donate a large amount to the Future Fund today.
  • Make a corporate gift from your business.

All donations are tax-deductible in the U.S.
Need more information? Click the button below.

Want to give stocks to Little Zebra Books?

We can receive gifts of stocks, including required minimum distribution (RMD). Please get in touch by filling out the form below.

Contact us for more information