An update from Little Zebra Books Director, David Ker In Mozambique, June 1 is “Children’s Day”. So Ilda threw a party for the kids in her neighborhood. Ilda has been using Little Zebra Books for many years. But recently she
Tiri Pamodzi! (We are together!)
Photo: At a reading festival, children have the chance to show off their reading, singing and drama skills using Little Zebra Books Little Zebra Books Director, David Ker, visits Mozambique It was a beautiful moment when I walked into this
The Next Shakespeare
From the Little Zebra Books Director, David Ker You never know! I’ve always believed that somewhere out there, the next Marie Curie, or the next Beethoven, or the next Nelson Mandela is reading a Little Zebra book. When children grow
From Little Zebra Books Director, David Ker In May last year, I was very lucky to travel to Mozambique to see Little Zebra Books in action. And look at that action! Luke puts his whole body into telling stories to
Provide books for kids in Mozambique
The children in the photo above took part in an amazing activity this month. 163 children from 9 churches in Tete, Mozambique met together to read Little Zebra books, sing songs, and show off their Bible memorization skills. All the