Little Zebra Books is developing Illustrators of Tomorrow

In August 2020, we launched an online course for young South Africans interested in learning about children’s book illustration. One of our current artists, Steph Simpson, is teaching the course to an enthusiastic group of 12 young people.

One of the goals of this course was to find young artists of color who could illustrate books for children in their own communities. Our books are designed with black African children in mind, but most of our illustrators are white. Although they work very hard to make beautiful books that are contextually relevant, just imagine if we had artists making books for their own children!

We are starting this initiative in South Africa but are already dreaming of expanding it to Mozambique as well, where we have spent years looking for Mozambican artists. 

Join us in a prayer of thanks for how God has led us to launch this initiative. We believe it is going to yield fruit for years to come.

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